Congratulations to Shri Subarmanium Swamy, THE HERO WHO HAS STARTED THE REVOLUTION.

Lions Club Sujok had written to many Leaders about the availability of technology for using water to produce hydrogen gas by Electrolysis principle,
 We Congratulate  Shri Subarmanium Swamy for Showing the Guts to speak out, <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> about use of HHO kits.
 This will revolutionize the Indian Economy. The Leadership under command of our Beloved Prime Minister Shri Modiji will go out of the way to take up the matter on war footing and change the Economic map of the Nation, Create more employment, bring down the cost of travelling and living.
1.       By using clean hydrogen gas for various purposes the Pollution in the country will go down and India can claim Carbon Credits.
2.       This will improve the Health of people.
3.       Hydrogen produced on demand is very safe as it is not to be stored at high pressure or transported in pipes or cylinders.
4.        This saves the cost of production and transportation of Hydrogen as compared to LPG.
5.       The gas is manufactured from ordinary water available everywhere, as compared to the LPG brought from Oil wells available at long distances or in the sea. Therefore cost of production is very low.
6.       The electricity required for producing hydrogen is available from Solar energy that also could be produced anywhere to save the cost of transmission and production.
7.       The subsidy provided to Oil Producing Companies for supplying LPG will be more than enough to purchase equipment required to produce Hydrogen, made in India in places, it is to be used.
8.       The cost of production being very low, it will be available as much as required.
9.       This will give rise to employment in plenty.
10.   The water pumps, tractors and earth moving equipment, Electric Power generating stations will require fuel and equipment that is not so costly and available in abundance without much running cost so the projects can be completed in budget allotted without fear of cost escalation.
11.   To bring down the Capital cost of the Power generating stations, Government  could utilize vehicle engines available from accident vehicles with insurance companies or import these very cheaply from Middle East countries where lot of engines are lying in junk yards.
12.   To start with, without having to put more funds and increasing Capital cost, all Stand-by generators could be made to work to full capacity to augment the Power shortage in the country, using HHO kits to run the engines of generators.
13.   This will make the Industrial and Commercial units to work to full capacity and create more employment and production.
14.   Conference of all the HHO kit and other Hydrogen gas producing equipment manufacturers may be called to prepare the Manufacturing Standards, so that future equipment is standardized and no hazardous equipment to produce Hydrogen gas, should float in the market.
15.   These and other steps thought of by the Experts, may be taken urgently, to improve the economy of the country and make the Dream of our Beloved Prime Minister Shri Modiji of showing Aache Din to the people of the country come true very soon.
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