Congratulations to Shri Subarmanium Swamy, THE HERO WHO HAS STARTED THE REVOLUTION.

Lions Club Sujok had written to many Leaders about the availability of technology for using water to produce hydrogen gas by Electrolysis principle,
 We Congratulate  Shri Subarmanium Swamy for Showing the Guts to speak out, <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> about use of HHO kits.
 This will revolutionize the Indian Economy. The Leadership under command of our Beloved Prime Minister Shri Modiji will go out of the way to take up the matter on war footing and change the Economic map of the Nation, Create more employment, bring down the cost of travelling and living.
1.       By using clean hydrogen gas for various purposes the Pollution in the country will go down and India can claim Carbon Credits.
2.       This will improve the Health of people.
3.       Hydrogen produced on demand is very safe as it is not to be stored at high pressure or transported in pipes or cylinders.
4.        This saves the cost of production and transportation of Hydrogen as compared to LPG.
5.       The gas is manufactured from ordinary water available everywhere, as compared to the LPG brought from Oil wells available at long distances or in the sea. Therefore cost of production is very low.
6.       The electricity required for producing hydrogen is available from Solar energy that also could be produced anywhere to save the cost of transmission and production.
7.       The subsidy provided to Oil Producing Companies for supplying LPG will be more than enough to purchase equipment required to produce Hydrogen, made in India in places, it is to be used.
8.       The cost of production being very low, it will be available as much as required.
9.       This will give rise to employment in plenty.
10.   The water pumps, tractors and earth moving equipment, Electric Power generating stations will require fuel and equipment that is not so costly and available in abundance without much running cost so the projects can be completed in budget allotted without fear of cost escalation.
11.   To bring down the Capital cost of the Power generating stations, Government  could utilize vehicle engines available from accident vehicles with insurance companies or import these very cheaply from Middle East countries where lot of engines are lying in junk yards.
12.   To start with, without having to put more funds and increasing Capital cost, all Stand-by generators could be made to work to full capacity to augment the Power shortage in the country, using HHO kits to run the engines of generators.
13.   This will make the Industrial and Commercial units to work to full capacity and create more employment and production.
14.   Conference of all the HHO kit and other Hydrogen gas producing equipment manufacturers may be called to prepare the Manufacturing Standards, so that future equipment is standardized and no hazardous equipment to produce Hydrogen gas, should float in the market.
15.   These and other steps thought of by the Experts, may be taken urgently, to improve the economy of the country and make the Dream of our Beloved Prime Minister Shri Modiji of showing Aache Din to the people of the country come true very soon.
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Abh Aache Din Dhoor Nahin

Aache Din Abh Dhoor Nahin.
Our Beloved Prime Minister Modiji's Dream Coming TRUE
Save NATURE                                                                                                                                                             Avoid Pollution as far as Possible, EARN CARBON CREDIT
Save FUTURE let's Make This World Better to Live IN
Let's All Join Hands, Start Recirculation of Bathroom water                                                                                                 and Create                                                                                                                                                                                                    REVOLUTION                                                                                                                                                                            Avoid Water Shortage
Run our Vehicles on Fuel and Water (Hydrogen gas generated as much required by Electrolysis Principle)
Cook our Food using Water as Fuel (Hydrogen gas generated as much required by Electrolysis Principle)
Run our Bakeries, Hotel's Kitchen, Canteens and Industries using Heat on Hydrogen,
Generate Electricity in every Building Complex and Villages by having Solar Energy generated to be used for generating Hydrogen by Electrolysis Principle) and supplying surplus to the GRID,
Hydrogen is Explosive
If it's produced and immediately Used, It's absolutely SAFE
Save on Capital Cost by Using Standby Generators available with Industries, Hotels, Hospitals  and others to work full time and supply surplus to Electric Grid System,
Save Pollution, Save Water, Save Transportation Cost, Save Ourselves & Industries from Power Cuts,
Increase Employment,
Run Water Pumps, Tractors, Earth Moving Machinery on Hydrogen produced as said above
Is It All Possible? YES,
Is It A Joke? NO NOT AT ALL.
Demonstration Available.
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Health is Wealth.Learn "Art & Science of Self Healing" and keep yourself Healthy.
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The Government can save on SUBSIDY by supplying HYDROGEN gas generated from water in villages

The Government can save on SUBSIDY by supplying HYDROGEN gas generated from water in villages, housing complexes so that people can have cooking gas practically free and bless Modiji and his Government for showing them Aache Din so soon.

Video on You Tube shows the way of getting hydrogen gas generated on site, practically free, by using water.

Ab Ache Din Ab Dhoor Nahee? Our beloved Modiji’s dream of making country Self sufficient

Ab Ache Din Ab Dhoor Nahee?   Our beloved Modiji’s dream of making country Self sufficient, making people healthy and happy is possible by using these simple, cheap suggestions.
Hydrogen gas is a Clean Fuel. It does not leave any Carbon Monoxide. Therefore there is no pollution created if vehicles work on Hydrogen Gas.
Number of Indian Manufacturers are making H H O kits in all state of India. They claim that their kits will:
1. Conserve fuel consumption ranging from 30% to 80%.
2. It makes the more powerful engine
3. Increase Torque and Acceleration
4. Eliminate Knocking / Detonation
5. It creates Very friendly environment.
6. Combustion chamber cleaner engine of crust Carbon.
7. Exhaust gases are Non toxic gases, proven results in the emission test: Toyota Avanza, Daihatsu Xenia and Suzuki APV,
8. Carbon Monoxide (CO) = 0.00%
9. Engine runs with less Vibrations and smoother.
10. Change the engine oil longer.
11. The engine temperature is lower.
12. Restores the original performance Therefore it Makes Safer, Easy to care and ageless machine.  Indian Mechanic invents 'water fuelled' car that runs for less than 2p a litre. The question arises as to why the mechanic should not be encouraged.   SHOCK! Police Uses Water Instead of Gas for All Cars. If Police is able to use the cars, it proves that it is quite safe.  Self Running 40kW 40,000 Watt Fuel less Generator. Part 4 of 4 HHO Gas 4 Burners Comparison HHO Gas Coleman camping fuel or hexane fuel 3-18-2015. This can bring down cost of LPG gas for cooking in houses and hotels. Dehydration industry.  H2Go Now Crown Victoria running on 100% water Fuel Saver (HHO) on Toyota Innova Diesel 2005

India is importing about 30% of Fossil Fuel, that is badly affecting our economy. Any increase in cost of fuel, increases cost of transportation of goods, fares of taxis, buses, auto, train and plane go up affecting the cost of living.
India is surrounded by the Coast line. For generating Hydrogen gas sea water is most suitable, even recycled water could be used, therefore there is no shortage of water.
Cost of generating hydrogen is very low if produced from water on site.
It’s absolutely safe if produced in vehicles as shown in number of videos listed above.
 It will be much safer if used for generating electricity in Power Houses. Generating electricity from water will also be very cheap. Therefore rates of power will go down substantially.  
Most of the Industrial units, hotels, hospitals, large commercial undertakings are having Standby generators, if they were encouraged to run regularly with HHO kits, the Power shortage of the country could be wiped out to a great extent without having to invest more money.
The cost of generating power will come down drastically as Standby Generators will not require more Capital investment, and running on water will be very cheap.
This will enable factories and Mills to work full time, creating more production and employment.
India has many research centres, if the Government feels that the Claims made above by the HHO kit manufacturers are exaggerated and they are fooling public, they should all be prosecuted and punished according to law OR they should be congratulated under MAKE IN INDIA Scheme.
 The HHO kits produced by these manufacturers should be graded, those up to standards should be encouraged to produce more and those below standard should be guided to produce as per Standard formed.
Government should go out of the way to encourage the vehicle owners to purchase HHO kits for a couple of thousands so that they can save on cost of fuel.

 The Government can set up Power Generating Stations in practically every village so as to provide electricity and save on transmission losses. The water pumps, Earth Moving machinery, village cottage and small industries will get cheap power and the Nation will flourish, create Employment for millions. 

Let’s Join Hands with Respected Modiji and Bring Aache Din immediately!

Let’s Join Hands with Respected Modiji and Bring Aache Din immediately!
Times of India reported on 21st June page 15, Mumbai Edition, that in Washington, Stanford scientists have developed a new way of producing Hydrogen, the cleanest gas, by Solar Power. In India the Indian Scientist knows to produce Solar Power for lighting and battery charging.

On You Tube a video (Part 4 of 4 HHO Gas 4 Burners Comparison HHO Gas Coleman camping fuel or hexane fuel 3-18-2015), shows how to produce Hydrogen gas on demand by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis principle.

This can revolutionize the working of industrial units, Hotel industry, large building complexes where piped LPG is being used. They can replace LPG by hydrogen produced in their premises as per their demand as shown in YouTube video.

It will bring down the subsidy being doled out by the Government.

Make more LPG available for domestic purposes,

Reduce transportation cost of LPG as in every distant place,

Hydrogen gas could be produced by using recycled water and Solar energy.

Government should ask its Research laboratories and IIT students to verify the claim made in the above shown video.



Let’s All Be Part of A Revolution Cooperate with Modiji and fulfill his Dream of bringing Aache Din for Aam Admi.

Nature has given us Sun Light and Water in abundance, Let’s make use of it wisely.

We all know that the Pollution is mainly caused by burning Fossil Fuel.
Fossil Fuel is available to us but its availability is limited, but sun light and water is available in plenty.

We can produce electricity from Sun light. Using electricity we can, by electrolysis principle, can produce Hydrogen gas from water, where ever and whenever we want.

We don’t have to transport it, so we need not pressurize it to fill it cylenders to reduce cost of transportation like LPG.

Hydrogen is a friendly gas if it leaks it being very light it will disappear in atmosphere without polluting it. LPG being heavy settles on low levels thereby creating danger for children and pets. It can also cause explosion.
By using hydrogen as a cooking gas we save nature as it does not produce carbon.

By running internal combustion engines with hydrogen we don’t produce carbon and we can run our vehicles, produce electricity. We can also use electricity to run vehicles and not pollute atmosphere. Electricity produced from water/ hydrogen will be very cheap.

Indians know how to use Solar Energy to produce electricity and Hydrogen from water. There are many firms who have produced HHO kits to use it on vehicles. Its is so simple, you can also produce HHO kit in your home by watching videos available in plenty on You Tube

If we all become part of this Revolution, we will Save Nature and Save Future. Because: Transportation will be cheaper,

Electricity will be available, in abundance, without Power Cuts and at cheaper rates,

Industries will be able to work regularly, at full capacity, economically and creating more employment. This will create more competition and bring down prices.

In rural areas people will be able to start cottage and small industries. By pumping water they will be able to do better irrigation.

Cost of working Water pumps, Tractors and Earth moving machines will be cheaper thereby reduce capital cost of making dams, improve irrigation system. 

Use hydrogen gas for cooking thereby Women will save their eyes from smoke and time :Self Running 40kW 40,000 Watt Fuel less Generator Full Video  SHOCK! Police Uses Water Instead of Gas for All Cars Indian Mechanic invents 'water fuelled' car that runs for less than 2p a litre (VIDEO) Drive of a Car That Runs on Water Capital Talk on Geo News - 30th july 2012 part 1 teacher challenges Agha Waqar to run car on water supernova hydrogen cell ~ 25 liters per minute ! HHO Dry Cell #8, 4 l/min, 5.19 MMW hho 1.5 L MIN 4.9 amps to build 9 Plate HHO Dry Cell for fuel saving, decarbonization, welding, heating. animation HHO Dry Cell construction Part 4 of 4 HHO Gas 4 Burners Comparison HHO Gas Coleman camping fuel or hexane fuel 3-18-2015  HHO Fuel Saver Joko Energy on Toyota Fortuner 2013 TRUCK RUNS 100 % on WATER NOT on GASOLINE - Is it a Fake ? Hydrogen on demand conversion kit. Turn any car into a Hybrid for only a few hundred dollars.  HHO "Hydro System" Installation Video  H2GoNow Crown Victoria running on 100% water Fuel Saver (HHO) on Toyota Innova Diesel 2005 HHO Mythbusters Explained     Hydrogen Hybrid Conversion For ANY Vehicle - I'm Saving 56% At The Gas Pump! generator after 1 year Free energy Car invented Government killed inventor! Generator for free energy. You can do it at home.